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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Trump Has Redefined 'Electability'

In an age driven by the never-ending election campaign and the 24/7 news cycle, we are mercilessly subjected to speculation about what the next presidential election might bring. Regarding 2020, this is due in large part to a leftist media stricken with Trump Derangement Syndrome and completely obsessed with somehow moving beyond his presidency, even if it means fantasizing about which Democrat might be the next to occupy the White House.

The political prognosticators, of which there are legion, a busy featuring a number of “if-the-election-were-held-today” stories citing polls that find Joe Biden beating Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup. Similar stories having Trump being beaten by Fill-in-the-Blank.

There are two major problems with this type of analysis, the most obvious that the election is not being held today or anytime soon. It is in 18 months, which is an eternity in presidential politics. Anything can happen to change the fortunes of any candidate for better or worse. Second, media polls are always suspect and often steered to produce an outcome favorable to the narrative they wish to push. In this case, that narrative is Trump losing in 2020.



  1. Imagine Rachel Madcow and Pissed Matthews face when he wins the SECOND time!?!? We all remember the morning of November 9th, 2016 - the look of astonishment and disbelief because they all knew that Corrupt Comey had all but slam-dunked the win for Crooked Hillary.
    I can't wait to see their faces in November 2020.


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