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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Teacher On Leave For Breast Cancer Has To Pay For Her Substitute Due To California Law

A San Francisco teacher who is on medical leave has to worry about more than just battling breast cancer.

On top of footing medical bills, she has to pay for a substitute teacher at Glen Park Elementary School.

All teachers receive 10 paid days of medical leave a year in the San Francisco United School District. If a teacher needs more time, they can get another 100 sick days — at a price. Under a 1976 California law, the cost for the substitute teacher will be deducted from the teacher’s salary.

The average daily cost of a substitute teacher in San Francisco is $203.16, San Francisco United School District spokeswoman Laura Dudnick said. In 2018, the average teacher salary in the school district, excluding benefits, was $82,024.37.



  1. California, land of the weirdos and the home of the moon bats.

  2. Maybe she should talk with her union.


  3. Nancy (I'm so caring) Pelosi's neighborhood. Speaks for itself.

  4. Get out of California

  5. Well, not defending those morons, but it does make sense. The teacher is getting paid to stay home and the school system has to pay for her substitute so the tax payers are actually paying twice.

    Think about it, it really makes sense.


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