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Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson pushed back against a bevy of criticism from Democratic lawmakers over a White House proposal that would exclude all illegal immigrants from public housing.

Carson testified in the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday to discuss a range of topics. Numerous Democrats attacked the Republican for his involvement in a plan that, according to a recent HUD study, could potentially kick as many as 55,000 legal children out of their homes.

“The Trump Administration’s proposal puts mixed-status families at risk of being evicted, separated, and left homeless,” committee chairwoman Maxine Waters said during the hearing. The California Democrat went on to call the plan a “cruel proposal.”



  1. I can't understand why ANY AMERICAN objects to Carsoin's position. WE AMERICANS pay the taxes to fund this housing.

  2. Take care of our veterans and single mothers first!! F*** AN ILLEGAL ALIEN

  3. Americans do not object to Dr. Carson's statement. Dems do and they are anti-American. Calling illegal aliens Americans does not may it so.

  4. Illegal immigrants are NOT the public.

  5. Backing this all the way!

  6. What is an Illegal American ??

    1. One who pays no taxes and or has several names and files taxes in order to get more returns the list goes on. It's about people from other countries coming with nothing doing nothing and getting everything for free. We as taxpayers have enough of our own lazy people without taking everyone from everywhere our system is going to soon collapse. I personally pay 50% of everything that I bring in in either a tax or fee to local and federal government. A business that can make 25% on every dollar they MAKE as profit is doing well.

  7. Thank you Dr. Carson. We have veterans living on the street and people who are in our country illegally living in assisted housing. Drain the swamp!

  8. I like Carson more and more every day really became a #1 doctor, a man of conviction and a gentle manner but steps up to the plate to speak for what's right not just popular. I thought he was a great candidate in the 2016 election, better than Biden, Hillary and Sanders!!!!!!!

  9. Keep born in America citizens in the streets, and give government housing to the people living in the country illegally. Yep, that's the Democrats for you. Look at your neighbors. Are they still Democrats, voting for Democrats in every election? Then they don't think you have any rights as an American, as evidenced by their elected officials Anti-American stance in Congress and elsewhere. I used to respect another's right to a different opinion, but the Democrat Party has become anti- American, promoters of baby killing in the mother's womb, anti- USA sovereignty, and promoters of overturning our US constitution. The do not support the rule of law that our country was founded on. That right to another point of view has turned into an assault on our country. The hell with them and their support of these people. They are leading us to revolution, in order to maintain their grip on their corrupt power. The second amendment is the only thing stopping them, and they are constantly trying to eliminate it. Think about it. A slogan " Making America Great Again" enrages them. If that doesn't make them an enemy of the people and our country's values, I don't know what does.


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