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Sunday, May 19, 2019


Spend the evening at a community park during Summerfest, a FREE event series for kids focused on providing cool, unique themed experiences. Children can play games, socialize with family and friends, listen to good music and grab a snack. 
From giant inflatable obstacle courses and water slides to kayaking, fishing, archery, robots and dance parties, there’s something fun for the whole family.
A hot dog, chips and a drink will be provided to the first 200 kids for free. A food vendor will be on-site with more options for adults. So come out, bring the family and enjoy a relaxing, fun evening in the sun.
  • June 20: Sport Spectacular at Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park
  • June 27: Discover STEAM at Doverdale Park
  • July 11: Splash Bash at Indian Village Playground
  • July 18: Back to Nature at Billy Gene Jackson Sr. Park
  • July 25: Movin' & Groovin' at Doverdale Park
  • Aug. 1: Bouncin' Around at Lake Street Playground
  • Aug. 15: Summer Sendoff at Waterside Park
Editors Note: Why are there no activities for children West or East of Salisbury?  That is still part of Wicomico County and the residents in those area also pay taxes. 


  1. One could conclude that this is targeted @ a certain demographic.

  2. Concerned Retiree.May 13, 2019 at 3:12 PM

    Salisbury wants to portray the drug infested slums as a wonderful place. They will never have a "Kids Fest" anywhere else since they cannot get the funds outside of a minority neighborhood. They should have a safe "Kids Fest" for all ages up to 15yo outside of a drug infested area not overrun by gangs and thugs. WBOE, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters and EMS, to name a few should be involved and not only have a fun place for games, exercise and mind games, and educational exercises that would get the kids to use their minds and I don't mean indoctrinate them by these Liberals. I feel this would be a very positive festival with positive results and crowds for Wicomico County. As a retiree I would volunteer to help Bob if he decides to organize such a festival.

  3. Salisbury/wicomico county Maryland people. It's a sanctuary state and city what else do you expect. We're going to support all the families in the low income neighborhoods during the summer on more of your tax dollars.

  4. Jake is really divid8ing Salisbury more than it is already divided, what a way NOT to be a mayor.

  5. As much as I am not a "Jake" Fan. this is not an expensive thing and it is better than hanging out with the gangs if it is successful. how about ok this might be a good thing

  6. To 3:12 pm, there use to be such a thing held in the park one evening in the summer. Unfortunately I don't remember name but may have been "Safe Night Out".

  7. Why don't they have anything like this, say on the East side or south side of town? Just wonderin'

  8. How obvious can you get?

  9. Pretty soon the won't be any tax payers left in Salisbury other than the slum lords. All the taxpayers are sick and tired of the partiality being shown in Salisbury, and the whole Wicomico county, and are bailing out. It's disgraceful the way such favoritism is shown here.

  10. Jake has never done a good thing, he only plays to those he gets media attention for, this will be depicted in great detail on WBOC as they are so far up his you know what. As reporters and a supposed "news station" they too never covered how much was made at the festival and any kind of count as to how many attended. But once again they are playing it up like it's come to the Inner Harbor. The big event is supposed to be Sept Main Street is still not completed no is the right side of rt 13 for the latest walk/bike path. Nor has the improvements to the downtown stores been done like shown over a year ago in drawings submitted. What about the whole downtown revitalization that is into it's 2nd year. And another bike fiasco in the works. Are they going to use the fancy dancy fireboat this year to pick up the floaters? We never heard of the one pulled up during the Festival last year from the river at the sight of Riverwalk. Are the vendors again going to complain they made no $ and had poor attendance---and don't blame it on the weather. Your Ampitheatre was floppy tents.

  11. 4:08 PM, I doubt it will be a good thing, nothing, absolutely nothing Jake does is a good thing.

  12. Who is putting this on, Salisbury or Wicomico County?

  13. Jake Day and his philosophers are Neo Racist. This is RACISM. Period.

  14. May 13, 2019 at 4:08 PM
    How about not spending my tax $$ on parties. There are lots of other things they can do to entertain themselves. Millions of $$ are spent entertaining these kids.

    It is all fun and games until someone gets sued. It is not something the city should be sticking their nose in to, spending $$ on nor taking the liability on.

    First it was burgers and hot dogs and now it is a full on party with bounce houses and entertainment.

    When does it stop?

    Maybe the money should have been spent of policing. I happened by the shore stop on N division st, saturday and there were a gang of 8+ dirt bikes with their crew all dolled up in face masks. Where were the cops? Why hide your face if you aren't doing anything wrong?

    Waste of freaking money. MY MONEY.

  15. These are the little pet projects approved for Jake Day by his financial supporters. He gets all the feel good social media hoopla and they continue to get rich. Smoking mirrors baby, we get pissed at Jake for his obvious progressive racist stance and they laugh all the way to the bank

  16. Jake isn't going to stop until something bad comes from all this garbage. How ridiculous ehen you gave to advertise FREE S*** for all the ones that cause the majority of problems in the city and in the public schools. Nothing like rewarding bad behavior

  17. i wonder if the pizza is gonna be supplied by spd? Geez give me a break, doesnt the government already waste enough of my tax money on these welfare folks already? What did that black lawmaker from down south say? kill em in the womb or later only a matter of time!
    So stop wasting more money on them!

  18. All you blaming the mayor - you realize this is a county initiative, not city, right? If you want to blame a politico, it would be your county executive.

    1. @9:13 I think you better check your info a little better. DOVERDALE is Jake Day's pet project. Billy gene Jackson park is a memorial park to city council April Jackson. Waterside apartments is April Jackson backyar, and on and on.

  19. When I was a kid we played street hockey every Saturday. We somehow found a way to do this with $0 government funds.

  20. 9:13 - it got awful quiet in here after that fact was dropped.

  21. This is more proof that what is leading and managing this department needs to be closely examined and questioned on every taxpayer dime they spend unwisely and unfairly.

  22. Those who contribute the least get the most. Something is terribly wrong

  23. Hey folks...........take notes and review them at election time.

  24. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Squeak more and you'll get more.

  25. Let's give it the true title it deserves "GHETTO-FEST". Summer daycare so as to not interrupt the flow of the summer fun for the parents. Let's be honest the majority of the parents of the kids attending don't work so why wouldn't they want to do a little parenting during the summer? Let's just raise tge kids for them wicomico county and Salisbury MD

  26. Screw all that crap how about fixing the pot holes.

  27. Hopefully the county council will deny the current director of this department next Thursday to stop this one sided liberal agenda.

  28. @4:16

    I believe what you are thinking of is "National Night Out", which is a nation-wide event, over 40,000 communities participate, and is always held the first Tuesday of August.

  29. Old Jake Day throwing a party for the cause downtown Salisbury today. Can't believe what hss happened to Salisbury under this idiot

  30. Where the greatest concentrations of troubled youth and potentially troubled youth are are where the programs go. Reach the maximum numbers to provide alternative activities.

    Present some programs suggestions for next year to the Executive and the parks & rec division for those east and west locations. See what they can do for you.

  31. @5:07 I rode by downtown yesterday and couldn't believe what I saw. Day literally closed off downtown for all his "brotha's" yesterday having a block party with you guessed it taxpayers money with all the city employees needed to pull it off(fire, EMT, police). This is flat a BIT** for catering to all this BS


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