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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Study: 75 American Colleges Offer Black-Only Graduation Ceremonies

A study by the National Association of Scholars revealed that at least 75 American colleges have black-only graduation ceremonies and 43 percent of surveyed colleges offer segregated residential halls. The organization refers to this as “neo-segregation.”

According to a study by the National Association of Scholars, graduation ceremonies at American universities are becoming increasingly segregated.

The study revealed that as many as 75 total colleges segregated graduation ceremonies. And that’s not all. 43 percent of the colleges included in the study offer segregated residential halls.

What we found was that neo-segregation is widespread if not pervasive. About 46 percent (80 colleges out of 173 surveyed) segregate student orientation programs; 43 percent (75 colleges out of the total) offer segregated residential arrangements; and 72 percent (125 colleges out of the total) segregate graduation ceremonies. Though these arrangements are ostensibly voluntary, students can’t easily opt out. We tracked numerous indicators of neo-segregation, from “Diversity Fly-Ins,” (68 percent of the total) where colleges offer minority students an expense-paid segregated preview of the experience that awaits them should they enroll, to segregated alumni groups. 



  1. It’s only acceptable if blacks do this. If white people did this, there would be riots.

  2. This is nothing new.
    During the early 90's I was involved in organizing student events at various MD colleges.
    Every one of them insisted that the event be doubled - one for Blacks, and one for non-Blacks - even though the event would offer the same format for both.
    I was absolutely amazed at the segregation that was permitted at these so-called 'liberal' institutions.

  3. Do they have their own water fountains too?

    It sounds like they should. They wouldn't want to drink out of a fountain that whitey used.


  4. The hypocrisy of this is stunning. But not new.

    Like 8:35 said, this has gone on a long time. At one point it was referred to as 'reverse discrimination', but that is just lipstick.

    When black people do this, they lose the right to condemn it in anyone else.


  5. And how much tax money goes to support this overt racism? YOUR tax money.

  6. Separate, nut equal....

    Noffa Kingway! We're back to the 50's - this was brought about by the previous turd taking race relations back 50+ years!

  7. Time to go back to "Separate But Equal" the experiment of mixing them in with the white society has failed. Just exactly what Pres. Lincoln said in 1863.

  8. 10:44 PM. Exactly right, and failed miserably.

  9. Are they RACIST? Yes...

  10. Yeah, so much for de-segregation. MLK and Medgar Evars must be rolling in their graves that they gave their lives for equal rights only to be disrespected by their own. Do these young people even know the history or do they only seek reparations for slavery that they also know nothing about.

  11. 10:28 how is that "Racist"? Pointing out the truth is what was done.

  12. The whole article went right over your head 11:32

  13. How long are the whites in this country going to put up with this?

  14. Who cares. Not a one of them can read or write after college. Besides I bet they all looked and acted like clowns as Usual.

  15. reverse discrimination?

  16. Tell me this isn't racist!

  17. Democrats have tricked them into self segregation... lol

  18. So why have they been bitching all this time about white people separating them? They are doing the same thing. So they have no problem with it going back the same way it was? This is just another example of their inherent ignorance. I would like to see a study done as to how many of those black people who go to college have done something with their lives. I bet it would not surprise us how low that number is. This is getting really stupid. Sick and tired of them complaining about something that does not exist. Any problems they have, are brought on by themselves.

  19. I am glad they do this because the rest of us don't have to be subjected to their yelling, screaming, whooping, feet stomping actions as well as their other anti social and rude habits.


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