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Friday, May 31, 2019

Smallest recorded baby, born at 23 weeks, is now going home healthy

A baby who was born at less than a pound in San Diego, and who was the smallest-recorded surviving infant in the world, has gone home five months after being born as a healthy baby, according to The Associated Press.

Saybie (the name used by the doctors caring for the baby at the hospital) was born at 23 weeks and three days, and weighed in at a mere 8.6 ounces at birth. She was able to go home this month, weighing about five pounds after spending five months in neonatal intensive care.

"After experiencing severe pregnancy complications, Saybie's mother gave birth via emergency cesarean section at 23 weeks, 3 days gestation in the womb," a hospital representative said at a news conference. "Doctors said the preterm birth was necessary after they found that the baby was not gaining weight and her mother's life was at immediate risk."



  1. Wonder what that medical bill is.

  2. Guess all the democrats are disappointed

  3. "Viability" is just a measure of the medical resources available where the child is born, it says nothing about the baby.
    This child would not have survived twenty years ago, would not have survived if born today in a third world country.


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