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Friday, May 17, 2019

SATs will now contain secret 'adversity scores': Students will be rated on deprivation and crime in effort to level playing field for poor and minority teens

Every student taking the SAT will now be given an 'adversity score' to level the playing field between people with different social and economic backgrounds, but critics say children of affluent parents could be penalized by the new system.

The scoring system was established by the national College Board, the nonprofit which administers the test, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The new system will use 15 different factors to weigh a student's adversity score, based on things such as the crime and poverty rates in the neighborhood where the teens grew up.

Other elements of the adversity index include housing values, family median income, whether a student is a child of a single parent, or speaks English as a second language.



  1. Once you lower the standards no matter what background you are lowering America's standards on education which is not very high now compared to other countries. Helping a very bright low income individual is one thing but to give an individual a one up due to low IQ and background is not helping anyone.

  2. Another version of affirmative action.

  3. Why not just turn over the colleges to the minorities totally that is what they want! Dumb it down enough to even include the dropout!

  4. "critics say children of affluent parents could be penalized by the new system"
    As we know they will just buy their way in.


  5. In other words: Using our secret formula we're going to bump up the scores of lackluster students to make them higher as a substitute for them actually learning the materials being tested.

    Fail! It means they have realized that SATs are being used in fewer colleges and they are willing to juggle the numbers to maintain market share and cash flow.

    College Board, you're usefulness just came to a self-inflicted screeching halt. Goodbye!

  6. This is another method of affirmative action!

    We saw what happened when we tried it at the presidential level - miserable failure that almost ruined our country!

  7. It has come to the point where you may be too smart to attend college.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Test scores are only for admissions considerations. They don’t increase the IQ of the candidates so what we end up with is a significant number of low IQ minorities gaining entrance to schools where they will be unable to compete.if it were not for the fact that colleges can make money from the situation, they could just grant a bachelors degrees to these minority “students” and turn them loose on society while requiring non-minority students to actually meet requirements. Under my plan, we open up classroom space, and can make the courses more challenging so we can produce an educated class who will be able to keep the country functioning.

  9. Some police agencies in Wicomico seem to use this type of program already for their final promotional list placement

  10. MD State Police used it years ago.

  11. then it is no longer a "standard" and shouldn't be used for anything. this is just a way for people to accept "doctored" results. our society is trash.


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