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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Residents do not like traffic circle concept, citing safety

A majority of residents of Ocean Pines believe that a traffic circle proposed by the Maryland Department of Transportation at the intersection of Route 589 and Ocean Parkway at Ocean Pines’ north gate is more than a bad idea, it’s a safety concern.

That appears to be the leading sentiment, according to an collection of comments Board of Directors Vice President Steve Tuttle compiled two weeks ago.

“I’m collecting comments from residents with their views about the concept of the circle,” Tuttle said. “I’m getting that information and I’m passing that on to a representative at MDOT so they can understand what the concerns and thoughts are of our community related to this circle.”

The Ocean Pines directors have been asked to donate roughly a half-acre of land on either side of the north gate bridge in order to complete the project, which could involve expanding that section of the road into a four-lane situation.



  1. Nobody ever likes them until they are installed and they start using them. Then they love them, and not having to come to a complete stop to go through the intersection. The ones that have a problem with them are the ones that don't know how to merge into traffic. You know the ones, the ones that stop on the on ramps to the highway. They don't know how to drive anyway. The traffic circles can't help them.

    1. That's half the OP senior residents

  2. I've been trying to get three or four of us together to just keep driving around in circle for hours to keep the right of way. No matter what the people think, the government will do what they want.

  3. Really ?
    Who cares about a circle in the Pines ? Just slow down people. What are you in a hurry to get to ? Amazes me how the worst drivers around here are obsessed with traffic.

  4. These libtards that decide on what's best for us all use Europe as a guideline.

    Do we want to be like Europe? I THINK NOT!!!!

    Traffic circles are just plain stupid!

    1. Yeah moving traffic forward at a steady pace safety is moronic!

  5. Traffic circles are safe if drivers know how to use them. 5he car in the circle has the right of way. Don't close your eyes and plow through. Wait your turn. Don't sit there waiting for an invitatiin to enter because it will cause a huge backup.
    I know all this because I lived in Fruitland and Division St was a mess. You would hear sirens everyday due to poor drivers causing accidents. That's a fact.

  6. too bad jake didnt bother to ask the citizens about the idiotic circles at the park before a cluster was made of that road.

  7. That road is named right. Racetrack Road.

  8. Oh for Pete's sake....just put up some more red lights...

    just like Route 50 ...

  9. A circle would be the best thing that could happen

  10. MDOT does what they want no matter what the Public says. Circles are dangerous and creates problems , since people do not yield or don't know what yield means. If circles are so damn great why is there none in Baltimore and only in rural areas?

  11. Those old clowns in the Pines can't drive anyway. A round about is the best solution for that mess.

  12. Lol. Watched someone the other day drive right over one in the park!
    Jake Duhy fir president lol

  13. Wait until there is an accident the 90 bridge on Friday in July and they get that traffic trying to use a roundabout. It will be chaos.

  14. South Gate is the bigger problem. The smartest and cheapest thing they could do is COORDINATE THE LIGHTS at south gate and Cathell road. It's unbelievable how bad the traffic slows down there because, no matter how efficient one light is, traffic is dependent on BOTH lights. They could fix it for a $5,000.

  15. This will be fun, especially when the construction starts!

  16. May 17, 2019 at 3:58 PM:

    Wow! You sure have an ignorant attitude. You are stupid to even post that comment.

  17. Ocean Pines, the community of people born everywhere but Worcester County. Should have never have been developed to begin with as it was built on wetlands.

    1. Wow - you are just soooo right! It’s only one of the safest residential areas in the state. That’s why I live here and love every minute of it while I read comments here bashing the pines and it’s residents - do you really think we give a hoot what you or others think? Save your pennies and maybe you can live here one day!

    2. You must have your head up your own behind if you think Ocean Pines is safe. It is full of drugs and drug addicts. Most people move out of that place that can afford to and by out in the County.

  18. Roundabouts are flavor of the month with MDOT and in Jakebury. They range from mediocre to engineered disasters. Any placed on Racetrack Road will start in the engineered disaster category and go downhill from there.

    Racetrack is an important feeder between Rt5o and Rt113; that should be sufficient to ensure this discussion never got started. On top of that ALL traffic in and out of the Pines goes to or comes from Racetrack Rd.

    Ocean Pines directors should firmly say 'No Way!' Residents should contact their Senator and Delegate to lodge their opposition.

  19. They are actually safer and keep the traffic flow moving

  20. If they think the state of Maryland will listen to them, they're crazy.

  21. May 18, 2019 at 4:34 PM. That snobbish attitude of yours is why people make those comments about you fools. But me, I don't need someone to tell me how to live and pay them to do so. Talk about stupid.

  22. @ May 17, 2019 at 4:13 PM. That's because the worse drivers are the Baltimorons that come here when they retire. The pines is full of them fools.

  23. May 17, 2019 at 8:17 PM;

    Ever driven in Washington DC? I guess not. You'd still be going around in the circle and you'd never figure out how to exit. If you did, then there will just be another one. Yeah, cities have them too. You just don't get out much.

  24. May 19, 2019 at 6:21 PM:

    Wow, you just made his point with your response. Ocean Pines is a class act compared to your neighborhood.


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