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Friday, May 31, 2019

Rep. Steny Hoyer Calls for DC Statehood

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., announced his support for Washington D.C. statehood.

Hoyer’s announcement came in a column posted Thursday on The Washington Post website.

“Our founders, who prescribed the creation of a national capital not within the jurisdiction of any individual state, never intended for those living in it to be denied representation,” he said.

“For 228 years, our government has denied them that voice. More than 700,000 Americans remain unable to cast votes for an equal voice in Congress.”



  1. Why does Hoyer care about DC statehood?

  2. Have all the people living in D.C. move out. Problem solved.

  3. 913-Because making DC a state would add two Senate seats, and undoubtedly those elected in DC would be Democrats. That's a massive swing in for future likely Senate majorities in favor of Democrats.

    It would also allow the current single DC delegate member of the House of Representatives the power to vote. Another Democrat vote, in the form of Eleanor Norton Holmes.

    1. Thank you. Of course, you are absolutely correct.

  4. The District of Columbia can't even self govern successfully. Steny needs to fade into the background-long over due to to retire.

  5. Old crock Stoyer has it exactly wrong. Our founders specifically intended that D.C. not have representation because it is the capitol of the U.S. and is under direct control of the congress.
    This is another try by the dumbocrats to change rules to gain advantage. By making D.C. a state the dumbocrats would automatically get to more dumbocrat Senators.

    Dumbocrats are traitors to this country!

    1. Thank you for enlightening me and other readers on the disadvantages of DC becoming a separate state

  6. why does he want this...MORE VOTES for DEMS

  7. Are the residents of the District of Columbia forced to live there? Are they held in chains? Did they not know that DC was not a state when they decided to make it their legal residence?

  8. Like any sore loser he wants to change the rules whenever he loses.

  9. We need to move forward on statehood for the Eastern Shore of Maryland. We have nothing in common with the Western Shore. They take our tax dollars and tell us what to do. Soon the western shore delegates will vote for full medical coverage for illegal immigrants just as California is doing now. North/South Dakota, North/South Carolina now let's do West/Eastern Maryland.


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