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Monday, May 06, 2019

Remember when Obama made fun of Trump's 'magic wand' to fix the economy?

Three years ago, then-president Barack Hussein Obama (D) mocked the plans of his sure-not-to-be-successor, Donald J. Trump (R), for the country, comparing them to his oh, so successful eight-year "scandal free," high unemployment, high food stamp use, successful administration.
"He just says, 'I'm gonna negotiate a better deal.' Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that?" Obama said during the town hall portion of the event. "What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn't have an answer."
Well, that was then. And this is now.

To Obama's shock and dismay, Trump is president. For the past two and a half years, Trump has been waving his magic wand, banishing burdensome regulations; lowering taxes; appointing savvy people to top government posts; and yes, negotiating.



  1. Obama the leader of the "shadow government with Soros. Obama the great liar and king of corruption.

  2. Hey Obama shove that wand up your ASS.

  3. Nice piece of political science fiction. I wish both sides would simply stick to the data and call it as it is. The economy tanked around the world before Obama came in. It took until 2010 to bottom out and since we had strong growth in the majority of economic indicators under Obama. That growth has continued under Trump with increases in some areas but in others, the positive trends have remained stable. Good news story for all of America.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled political fantasy world.

    1. What are you smoking. You are incorrect. Just ask those who worked 2 jobs to put food on the table and those who lost their homes. All because Obama didn't know what the hell he was doing except how he could make millions for himself and squeeze in a 3rd term

    2. Fortunately we have plenty of facts and dats to back what I wrote along with plenty of economic experts. So keep your hand in the sand and keep on believing the fiction that the Rush Limbaughs of the world spoon feed you.

    3. 7:46 “We” have plenty of facts and data. Where are your facts and data coming from? CNN? NPR? I personally don’t listen to Rush nor do I watch any MSM including Fox. I do my own research. And I can guarantee you every stat and data you come up with I can come up with just as many stating the opposite. I try to use common sense. Judging by your daily comments you don’t. You believe what you want to believe as long as it suits the democratic agenda. You’re a good little Democratic parrot aren’t you?
      Actions speak louder than words. Under Obama I lost my health insurance. Under Obama I almost lost my house because of my husbands medical bills (and he had insurance). So you take your self righteous attitude and shove it up your ass. Obama did NOTHING for this country. Instead he handed Trump an absolute mess. Obama and Michelle sucked the life out of this country. Aligning themselves with the likes of rappers. Those are the type of people he catered to. But you keep on being you. Head up the lefts ass. I personally wouldn’t want to be associated with the party that’s more concerned about illegals and about killing babies. As for you I’m sure your hearts in the right placeπŸ™„

  4. When you deficit spend in a rising economy the economy will grow. Only for our kids and Grand kids to repay. You don't deficit spend when the economy is good, you reduce debt

  5. Obama needs a wand right up there. Never had a clue never will. Send him back to his ancestors and take Michelle (Michael) with him.

  6. Oh can you just imagine how flummoxed Obamamust be? Probably scratching a hole in his head trying to figure how Trump did it.

  7. The unemployment rate at the beginning of Obamas inherited recession was
    hovering around 10 % . When he left office it was less than 5 % . Trump inherited a rising economy and juiced it with funny money borrowed form our kids and grand kids. Economic cool-aide.
    Woop - t - do

    1. 10:50 You’re a good little demπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Parroting your parties lies πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  8. 10:50 Tell the whole story. When Obama took office the unemployment rate was over 7%. When Obama left office it was 4.9%. Big woop t do is right. As I said before Obama didn’t do shit. Obama added more to our national debt than any other president. 8.9 trillion to be exact. But you don’t want to talk about that do you? Hypocrite. Now you go drink some more of that economic cool-aid. You do however do a great job of twisting the facts just like CNN. You can spew that shit all you want son but it’s not working anymore. We the people see through all the lefty lies. It’s bullshit like what you are spewing that will get Trump re-elected in 2020. Gonna be another long 4 years for ya🀷‍♀️


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