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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Pete Buttigieg outs himself as a fake moderate

Pete Buttigieg is articulate, intelligent, and, at least on the surface, looking to reach across the aisle.

He has traveled the country during his campaign, saying things such as “freedom does not belong to one political party,” and “security is not a Left or Right issue." So it’s not exactly surprising that the media narrative surrounding Buttigieg’s insurgent presidential campaign has painted him as a moderate Democrat, a fresh but relatively safe alternative to the radicalism offered by candidates such as Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.

It’s too bad this narrative is a sham. On Thursday, Buttigieg finally updated his campaign website with a policy platform, and his issues page reads like a socialist’s Christmas list, betraying his image as a supposed moderate.

On healthcare, for example, Buttigieg is hardly any less radical than the other Democratic candidates. He all but endorses Sanders’ "Medicare for All" plan, which would require more than doubling federal income and corporate tax revenues to be affordable and abolish all private health insurance. Yet in his usual veneer of moderation, Buttigieg masks his support for socialized healthcare by calling for a Medicare buy-in, a public option that would, in his words, just be “a pathway to Medicare for All.”

Buttigieg also goes all in on a federal $15 minimum wage, even dubbing it a “security” issue.



  1. He's just another Liberal shill, not to be trusted for anything that comes out of his mouth.

  2. He is the gay Obama. Libs and kids get excited about him because he is cool to them and they can absolve themselves of any homophobic feelings or perceived injustices. He is the chosen one by the media. He is the most progressive, liberal, socialist, communist, lefty of them all and should scare the hell out of anyone that loves America and traditional values.

  3. He will also discover that tolerance of his lifestyle may not extend to acceptance in the national voting booth.

  4. With Mayor Pete you need to read between the lines. He answers questions as if its a popularity contest.

  5. I'm still not comfortable with any guy who's the wife. I may never be.

  6. Wonder how they decided who was husband and who wife? Also, he worked on a John Kerry campain; Kerry, a proven liar and coward who commiserated with the enemy (Nam) and now with Iran.


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