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Friday, May 24, 2019

Pennsylvania Church Defaced With Pro-Choice Graffiti

A Catholic church in Swarthmore, Penn., was defaced with pro-choice messages spray-painted on its outside walls and doors over the weekend.

Vandals painted phrases including "You do not have the right to decide how others live" and "#ProChoice" on Notre Dame de Lourdes parish, CBS Philly reports.

"It was very shocking to come up to the church and see that. I’d have to say the first half of Mass was me crying the whole time because I was so upset somebody would do that to the church," parishioner Jessica Prince said about the incident.

"If people wanted to come and stand outside our church and protest our beliefs, go for it," Prince continued, "but vandalizing a property, I think, is taking it way too far."



  1. Wonder if this is a stunt engineered by the pro-abortion Democrats.

  2. Check the college. Another once respected school full of inept FOOLS.

  3. I support safe legal abortion, and I 100% condemn this action. Whomever did this does not represent me, or my views.

    It is hurtful to all, this sort of thing doesn't get anyone anywhere.

    Also, as an Atheist, am appalled and disgusted at this action. Churches are a sacred place for many Americans, and this sort of desecration of a place many find holy, and as a place of comfort to be unconscionable.

    I condemn this in the strongest possible way.

    1. Do you support the Car Ride Home Bill?

  4. 2:23

    Do you think that the fetus is a unique human?

    Where do you think the fetus came from? Just assembling legos?

  5. I believe in pro choice. A woman has the right to make the choice NOT to get pregnant. She does not have the right to murder another human being because she doesn’t like the outcome of the bad choices she made.( which is evidenced by the decision to terminate to begin with.)So, why doesn’t this abortion issue extend to the man woman relationship? If I don’t like the results of attempts at pregnancy, say she doesn’t get pregnant, why can’t I just terminate her? Same difference right?

  6. Man and Woman, why not make the right choices in the first place then there would not be a pregnancy or any of this talk of abortion.


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