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Monday, May 13, 2019

NYC society shuns Sackler family over OxyContin fortune

Five years ago, the Sackler family was considered one of New York City’s most esteemed, generous dynasties. There’s a Sackler Wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a Sackler Institute at Columbia University and a Sackler Educational Laboratory at the American Museum of Natural History. Family members were photographed in Vogue and known as staples on the benefit circuit.

The Sacklers — who made their billions creating pharmaceuticals including OxyContin — were well-liked, well-respected and well-courted.

Now they can’t get a museum to take their money.

Prescription opioids have killed more than 200,000 people since OxyContin — produced by the family’s Purdue Pharma — hit the market in 1996, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



  1. Their money should be used to fund rehab facilities to help all the addicts they created.
    And who names their kid Mortimer?

  2. They made billions and us taxpayers paying for it every time a politician wants to throw money at it.

  3. KARMA is a BITCH!

  4. Judge should have them take their own product for a few days. I bet their fortune will be gone in less than a year. They will be at the pawn shop trying to sell faberge eggs and polo equipment.

  5. Democrats are leading a lawsuit, including 43 Attorney Generals, against big pharma corporations and their price fixing. A no brainer to get behind regardless of your political affiliations.


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