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Thursday, May 23, 2019

NY Times: ‘Pregnancy Kills. Abortion Saves Lives’

The New York Times has launched a full-court press on behalf of the abortion industry with an op-ed titled: “Pregnancy Kills. Abortion Saves Lives.”

Written by Warren M. Hern, who specializes in performing late-term abortions, the article asserts that every pregnancy poses a “serious health risk” to the mother.

“Pregnancy always comes with some irreducible risk of death,” Dr. Hern warns, whereas “abortion can be lifesaving.”

In his essay, Dr. Hern is reacting to the new Alabama law that significantly limits abortions in that state, suggesting that what legislators are restricting is a lifesaving procedure.

“Alabama’s new law claims that it does not prohibit abortion if there is a ‘reasonable medical judgment’ that the pregnancy poses a ‘serious health risk’ to the woman,” Hern notes. “But pregnancy itself poses a ‘serious health risk’ — including the risk of dying and losing all bodily functions.”

More propaganda here


  1. women’s health comes first in every state.

  2. Two word rebuttal: Prove It.

  3. in a luciferians lost brainless mind .... yes

  4. Here's a thought - abortion traditionally kills half of the people that go through the procedure - pregnancy is designed to produce life!

  5. correct 11:39 - further, it is 100% fatal to the unborn

  6. So Dr. Hern, with your bleak outlook no woman should ever get pregnant again and pregnancy should be considered a catastrophic illness?

  7. This world is full of twisted liberals

  8. The title says it all

    The abortionists are satanists

    Everything is turned upside down
    Logic is destroyed by scripted half-truths

  9. an old catholic prophecy states there will come a time when everything good will be labeled bad and everything bad will be held up as good! think we've pretty much gotten there!


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