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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

New slavery exhibition opens at Rackliffe House this May

An exhibition entitled “The Enslaved at Rackliffe House and Worcester County, MD: A Local Story,” opens to the public at Rackliffe House near Assateague Island National Seashore on May 21.

The exhibition covers topics including The Middle Passage, Growth of the Slave Economy, Resistance to Slavery in Worcester County, Methodism and African-American Life, and the US Colored Troops. It includes images as well as two cases of artifacts, one of which displays pieces discovered during an archaeological dig on the Rackliffe property.

“The full story of Rackliffe House cannot be told without a historically accurate portrayal of all the people who lived here,” said Ed Phillips, Jr., President of Rackliffe House Trust. “2019 is a timely occasion to open this show as it marks 400 years since the first African came to the Americas.”



  1. Are the Irish in it ?

  2. Good post.Never knew this, thanks for letting me know.

  3. Enough already with slavery in this country!! Its the liberal progressive whites that keep making it an agenda

  4. I am so sick of this crap. If anyone including our ass kissing politicians would do some research they would discover that the first slaves in this country were white and there were more white slaves and white indentured servants than blacks. Also the meanest and most vile owner of black slaves was black and of course the people that rounded up the slaves and sold them to the Spanish were also black!

    1. The first white slaves were indentured servents ... they were sent here to pay there debt to society mostly criminals ...once they served their time they could be free ...you cannot compare the African American experience to that of indentured servents

  5. 400 years people!! Give me one good reason why its ok to display this type of exhibit that reflects part of the civil war era but any Confederate statue is removed?? You people are asking for trouble

    1. 7:45 That's a great question

    2. The same reason why Germans don’t want to display statues of hitler .... why should we celebrate oppressors ?

    3. Are you saying slavery was 400 years ago because you are wrong ? The emancipation proclamation was not signed until 1861 and it took some time after that to officially end slavery ...in reality my great grandparents were slaves ...why is it ok to tell black to forget slavery but not ok to tell the Jews to forget the holecust ...why is that ?

    4. Sure hope nobody proposes a statue of obama anywhere, the way he has suppressed the former slaves

  6. Keep on picking at that scab and...

  7. When do we get an exhibition dedicated to the poorest of survivors of the Great Depression.........the poorest of the poor Appalachian folks? They had it worse than slaves because they did not have a slave master to feed them. They made it on their own the best they could or they died. No welfare either! No work, no food, no nothing. A lot of them don;t have it much better today. At least slaves were provided a roof over their heads and food. They would have had it a whole lot worse if they had been poor Appalachian people.


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