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Thursday, May 09, 2019

New list names Maryland as worst state in the US to retire

Apparently Maryland is the “worst” place to retire in the United States.

A new list from Moneywise notes the state’s great golfing, beaches, and proximity to major cities, but cited congested roads, surprise tornadoes and winter storms from the Atlantic as a reason not to retire there.

Moneywise also pointed to the state’s high cost of living, taxes on IRAs and above-average health care costs.

“Retirees in Maryland are bound to be crabby,” Moneywise wrote, citing Kiplinger.



  1. Didn't need Moneywise to tell me this. Maryland Democrats follow the other liberal States policies. Hogan has screwed us over as bad as any Democrat Governor. Hogan and the Democrat Politians, good riddance of Busch and hoping Miller is next real soon, have even stolen money from State Employees Retirement Fund without replacing anything back into the fund with interest. Also the Unions have done nothing to correct these thefts. Let Hogan praise the Unions because they support, HAHAHAHA, MD State workers and Retirees. MARYLAND the CALIFORNIA of the EAST COAST.

  2. Of course it is. It's bad to even work here. Let alone retire. We are the welfare for all STATE. Look at the influx of people on welfare in this STATE. They are coming from Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Plus we have to deal with the in state POS from Baltimore, D.C. and pocomoke. I can't wait to sell my house and GTFOH.

  3. Evidently our mayor did not get this notification, maybe someone could sit it in the middle of Jakes desk and a copy in the middle of Governor Hogans desk. But both would have to have a person read and interpret it really slowly to both that it would sink in!

  4. When will people wake up and realize that the dumbocrats and their liberal communist agenda is not good for them?

  5. Thanks to Aholes like JAKE DAY.

  6. No surprise here all Democrat controlled.

  7. Can you say organized crime

  8. If you think that’s bad, dying in Maryland is even worse. Those who have no surviving immediate family members will have 10% of everything they own, including retirement assets, taken by the state inheritance tax. Maryland’s definition of ‘family’ is quite narrow and discriminatory given today’s standards. So if you were raised by an aunt or uncle, or are cared for by a dear niece or nephew, forget it. They don’t qualify as family.

  9. Face it. It is rather boring around here. Nothing to do. The only recreation is in Ocean City, and that sucks also. Then there is fishing and it's not the best. So, it is boring.


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