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Friday, May 31, 2019

Nearly half of LGBTQ workers fear being "out" can hurt their careers

One of the most rapid social shifts in recent decades is the acceptance of LGBTQ people, from gay marriage to television shows featuring transgender and gay characters. But LGBTQ workers say they're not always feeling the love in their workplaces.

Slightly more than 4 of 10 LGBTQ workers say they aren't fully "out" at work, according to a new survey from employment site Glassdoor, which undertook the survey in advance of Pride Month in June. The reasons for worker reluctance may boil down to fears about bias and discrimination, with about half of those surveyed saying they believe being out in the workplace could hurt their careers.

The findings underscore the fears and concerns many LGBTQ people continue to feel in the workplace, especially at a time when some state lawmakers are sponsoring bills that would limit the rights of LGBTQ people, such as a rash of "bathroom bills" sponsored during the past few years aimed at transgender people.



  1. come out if you like, just dont let it affect your work, or the work of others

    what you do in your own time is your business, do not bring politics to work. and yest this nonsense is political.

  2. Well then keep your mouth shut about your sexual preferences and you won't have to worry

  3. True for the males, thinking about what they do to each other in the bedroom makes me vomit!

  4. Well said, 11:05. I am gay myself and there are so many protections in place now across most (if not all) work places, any fear of coming out at work is solely due to that person's own insecurities. As 11:05 said... the problem comes in with all the people out there whose sole identity is "being gay". Your sexuality shouldn't define you but with a lot of gay people it does, which is pathetic. And that is what can bring trouble at work. Nobody cares who you sleep with if you go to work, do a good job, and keep your politics and personal life to yourself.

    1. Finally very well said I can respect your opinion. If all gay persons look at this situation like you there would not be such an issue I don't believe it would disappear because there's always going to be ignorance but it wouldn't be the problem we see nowadays. I'm not gay and personally I really do not care if you are what you do on your time is your business.

  5. For the most part, I don't care what other people do - as long as they don't force me to participate...by participate, I mean that I am not required to acknowledge or accept your 'alphabet' participation - simply tolerate you and your existence!

  6. Making themselves more important than they are
    Stop starting shit everywhere you go and you won't have any problems. Gays have been around since the beginning of time. You aren't the First.

  7. It's LGBTQIA+ thaaaaaank you very much!

  8. Concerned RetireeMay 31, 2019 at 4:42 PM

    Now someone knows how it feels to be discriminated against in the workforce like the WHITE MALE has had to put up with for years to the present because of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Have no pity for them since they pushed for this type of action against WHITE MALES for years. I know what I am talking, as a victim, about because I have seen State Personnel Offices change scores to lower White Males scores.

  9. Then try to be normal for once in your life.

  10. It's absurd how many LGBTQ characters are in pop television shows, far greater percentages than the general population.

  11. Jake Day, where are you on this issue?

  12. You should of stayed in the closet instead of trying to ram your perversion down our throats.


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