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Friday, May 31, 2019

Mueller's Disgraceful Exit

Special Counsel Robert Mueller, in remarks that demonstrate how once-admirable FBI directors become power drunk on Potomac political water, declared that his investigation was over and that he was closing his office and retiring. And not a minute too soon…

Mueller used his Wednesday press conference to take a few final partisan digs at President Donald Trump, encouraging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) to move forward with their obstructionist impeachment charade based on some conjecture about obstruction of justice. Again, “obstructing” something neither Mueller nor his water carrier, Clinton-supporting FBI Director James Comey, nor his coup co-conspirators could find.

Of course, the latter is a key element of the Demos’ 2020 campaign strategy to undermine Trump’s MAGA economic success.

Responding to Mueller’s dog whistle, Pelosi said, “We do want to make such a compelling case, such an ironclad case [for impeachment] that even the Republican Senate would … be convinced of the path that we have to take as a country.”

Nadler insists, “Special Counsel Mueller reaffirmed his report … that the president sought to obstruct Mueller’s investigation over and over again. He also confirmed three central points: he did not exonerate the president of the United States of obstruction of justice, obstruction of justice is a serious crime that strikes at the core of our justice system, and the Constitution points to Congress to take action to hold the president accountable.”



  1. Nadler is suffering from a craniorectal impaction.

  2. Prosecute Nadler / Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff & the Rest &

    Make the Demon-crat Party PAY Back America the $30 mil +

    they Waisted , from their damn party $$$$ .

  3. It is a plan for the Democratic party. That's why we need to vote Trump 2020.

  4. No collusion, so now let's try obstruction, oops, that didn't work. I know, lets impeach him......fu*cking crazy.

  5. meuller is leaving with his head down and tail between his legs


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