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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Md. Leaders Seek Briefing From NSA On Report That NSA Tool Was Used In Ransomware Attack

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Baltimore City Council President Brandon Scott has called for Gov. Hogan to seek a federal emergency and disaster declaration for the weeks-long cyber attack that brought the city government computer systems and citizen services down.

If granted, the Presidential FEMA declaration would allow for federal reimbursement for damages, costs and infrastructure repairs related to the attack.

The New York Times reported Saturday that the Baltimore City attack and other attacks against cities and towns across the U.S. are the result of a National Security Agency developed cyberweapon that was stolen in a security breach.

The weapon, “EternalBlue” is estimated to have caused billions of dollars in damages and is believed to be the most destructive and costly NSA security breach in history, the release said.



  1. Don't be so stupid and fooled, all of this was by design... So you don't know if it is CIA, NSA, Russians, China or a god damn fish from the ocean hacking our computers...

  2. Hogan's too busy posing for social media down in OC on the beach, what an asshole


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