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Tuesday, May 28, 2019



  1. I think some people are starting to use Amber alert like the old dinner bell.

  2. Scared the crap out of me,wife jumped up thinking it was a tornado.

  3. 6:49 - we felt the same way when the alert went off last night - even though we are signed up for the county alert system, I have yet to get an alert text from them (Worcester) As for the young lady, prayers that she is safe

  4. We just got new phones and we never got alerts on the old ones. Yes we both jumped out of bed as both our phones went off.

  5. Glad to see the alert is cancelled. Praying she is safe back home.

  6. 500 hrs of community service please.

  7. A 23 year old preying on a 12 year old child. Don't you think that is serious enough for an Amber Alert. If it was your child I bet you would. No one knows the circumstances on how she was abducted either, could have been by force

  8. Came on the TV also. I was dozing while the Charles Manson special was on Reelz network when it came on. My first thoughts to was tornado. What I want to know is what Einstein in the Wor Co sheriff's office came up the calls to the landlines. But ultimately it is the sheriff's fault because the buck stops with him and him alone. Our phone rang 7 yes SEVEN times the other night AFTER midnight to tell us a teen ager was missing in West OC. This sheriff needs to get his act together and stop with the unsolicited calls AFTER midnight to people who are home in bed! So unprofessional and uncalled for.

  9. I got amber alert yesterday and today hope the child is safe

  10. Another reason for the wall.


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