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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Joining 2020 Presidential Race, Montana Governor Becomes 23rd Democratic Candidate

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock just became the 23rd Democratic candidate to enter the presidential race Tuesday, seeking to distinguish himself from the crowded field by highlighting his record as a Democratic governor in a state that voted overwhelmingly for President Trump in 2016.

"We need to defeat Donald Trump in 2020 and defeat the corrupt system that lets campaign money drown out the people's voice, so we can finally make good on the promise of a fair shot for everyone," Bullock said in a video announcement.

The Montana Democrat joins the largest and most diverse Democratic primary field in modern history. Relatively unknown at the national level, Bullock must now compete with candidates like former Vice President Joe Biden and Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont; Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts; and Kamala Harris of California.



  1. De blabio makes it 24 LOL

  2. Talk about a cluster F

  3. All 24 have an equal chance of being president. ZERO!

    Now let the circus begin and see how bad they can tear each other up in the brawl to become the nominee.

    1. And just think of the millions of dollars that will be donated that will go to waste.

  4. Attention shores, all of them.

  5. And the dems are right up there collecting millions of dollars of campaign money from foreigners and special interest groups. We should pass a law that limits contributions and commercials so we are not swamped with campaign commercials for months. Let them walk door to door and have real town hall meetings outside of Hollywood and NYC.

  6. There must be something rewarding for running in 2020. Campaign monies. Or it gets them out of work. Who runs their city or Senate while they are campaigning.


  7. Come one, Come all! Lot's of room still available on and in the clown car! Where will they find a venue large enough to hold all the candidates, let alone any spectators?


  8. How about this?

    All Dem candidates gathered on Alcatraz until winnowed to one. Each week each they get two minutes on TV uninterrupted to hold forth on a specified topic. Voters at home get to vote once each week. Loser each week is actually voted off the island, must return campaign funds and withdraw from the race and can't campaign for anyone else. Wild card: They can override their ouster by swimming successfully across San Francisco Bay to land but without any assistance if they founder. Successful swim puts them back on the island for next week.

    Ratings would be huge; egos are so bloated each loser would attempt the swim with predictable results.

    Who is in favor of this Dem pool party?

  9. De Blowmeo is the worst.


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