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Friday, May 24, 2019

It's Not Murder


  1. Very good analogy.

  2. It's not murder. Mexicans and Muslims aren't actually people.

    There, fixed it for you.

  3. hey 8:25. Are we systematically executing Mexicans and muslims? I think not you missed the point of the picture! They take a risk sneaking into the country! jumping the fence, butting in line, you know basic criminal activity..and you have the nerve to then blame conservatives

  4. JFC!

    When will they understand? All this leftist Horse $h!t they keep trying to shove down our throats. We dont want it. They DO NOT have anything close to a majority. The more they push the more people they push away.

    My opinion on abortion "rights" has done a complete 180 since I graduated college 20 years ago. Its amazing what time in the real world does. And by real world I mean the private sector. Public sector is were idiots go who cant cut it in the real world.

    As for the illegals. They will be lucky if they don't ultimately end up like the jews in the 1930's. But its not going to be Trump doing it. It will be the next uber-leftist that makes it to the white house. By then the left will have flipped their script yet again. This time they will be bringing their own home grown fascism, which ironically they don't even recognize.

  5. 8:25 it's apparent you have 'stinking thinking'...where on earth do you come up with comments that just don't fit the picture, the thought process? Oh, I know, Indoctrinated in the government/public schools and IF you went to college/university you were further Indoctrinated by Communist Profs. So sad for you. Perhaps you could redeem yourself if you would take a course in 'critical thinking'.

  6. Clarification:

    Non-Illuminati Jews are not people.
    As well as all Goyim (Gentiles)

  7. I support safe legal abortion. I do not support killing babies.

    Your analogy builds a strawman.

    Our difference is how we define a pregnancy, this is a disagreement that I don't think will, or can ever be settled.

    To be sure, and embryo becomes a fetus, and is such until it is born. At that moment, it is a baby. No one supporting safe legal access to abortion, is supporting killing babies.

  8. How come Churchill, Stalin or Roosevelt never mentioned Nazi's killing Jews or death camps? Seems a bit strange don't you agree?

  9. I can't believe how many so-called conservatives, especially women, that think abortions are their constitutional right because it's "their body."

    It's murder.


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