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Thursday, May 02, 2019

House leaders deliver remarks after the House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Mueller report.


  1. Acting like a bunch of little children who didn't get their way.
    Now we know why nothing is getting done in DC. Revenge and jealousy rule the country. People in Glass houses shouldn't be throwing boulders.
    Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again.
    The left has proven they are insane.

  2. makes my day to see liberal heads exploding, with such anger and stupidity. Love it!

  3. Don't insult us by calling them leaders, please.

  4. Call them what you like. I refer to them as the wackadoodle express. The worse they act the more they"re trying to hide by way of diversionary tactics. I wish that the people being targeted sue for slander &/or libel; maybe that would cut down at least the untrue crap falling out of their mouths. It seems that a Democrat is much like a crackhead: if their lips are moving, they are lying.

  5. A Big Spanking is coming. Let's see how they react (as if we didn't know.)

  6. There's our tax dollars at work.


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