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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

House Dems to Admin. Staffers: Comply With Probes Or No Salary

House Democrats reportedly want to hit administration officials where it hurts — withholding salaries of Interior, Commerce and Department of Justice staffers who block committee investigations.

According to The Hill, House Oversight and Reform chairman Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., sent letters calling for eight current and former Trump administration officials to provide information on two of the panel’s investigations.

"Please be advised that any official at the Department who 'prohibits or prevents' or 'attempts or threatens to prohibit or prevent' any officer or employee of the Federal Government from speaking with the Committee could have his or her salary withheld pursuant to section 713 of the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act," Cummings wrote, the news outlet reported.



  1. shut up Elijah and pay your taxes

  2. someone fire this moron

  3. Dems are getting desperate. They weren’t able to cash in the Mueller insurance policy.

  4. House Democrats should have their pay withheld for not doing anything for Americans just putting in time for political power.

  5. Sounds like a go fund me page will solve this BS decision.


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