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Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Hillary Clinton Heckled on Speaking Tour: 'You're Going to Jail'

Hillary Clinton had just settled on stage for the last night of her nationwide speaking tour with husband Bill Clinton in Las Vegas on Sunday when a man stood up and began yelling that she was going to jail.

Video footage of the incident was posted to Twitter by @DEPLORABLEHILL, a man who identifies himself as a Trump supporter and combat veteran. In the clip, the man can be heard shouting at Clinton during the opening stages of the evening.

"I’m a deplorable! I’m a deplorable! You’re going to jail, lady!" he yells. "You've all been deceived," he says to the audience.

The man, who was escorted out by security, drew a curt response from Hillary.



  1. They got that wrong. Hillary is the husband.

  2. Except she's not. No one is. Our government is a joke.

  3. LOCK HER UP !!!!!!! LOL

    along with > Obama / Pelosi /Schiff/ Cummings / Nadler /

    Schumer / Lynch / Comey / Clapper !!!!!!!!

  4. Jail? She should get a noose around her neck along with dozens of her cohorts.

  5. 1:54 has the right idea (good work, buddy), but 1:06 is bringing the reality home for us all.
    NONE of these people, who, if they weren't connected and/or dangerous, would be walking free today.
    Two Sets of Laws.
    Right in your face.
    The Clinton's, by the way, fall into the "dangerous" category --- they have killed more than 2 dozen people who were too knowledgeable.


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