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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gillibrand: Georgia's Heartbeat Abortion Law Is 'Against Christian Faith'

Late last week, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) — a candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination — condemned pro-life efforts to protect unborn babies as "against Christian faith." Specifically, she slammed Georgia's law protecting unborn babies from the moment a heartbeat may be detected in the womb. Rather than addressing serious science and faith concerns about the humanity of the unborn and the Christian tradition of defending life, Gillibrand defended abortion by referencing free will.

"If you are a person of the Christian faith, one of the tenants of our faith is free will. One of the tenants of our democracy is that we have a separation of church and state, and under no circumstances are we supposed to be imposing our faith on other people. And I think this is an example of that effort," the 2020 candidate said.

Gillibrand laid out a three-step abortion policy: federal legislation to codify abortion as a woman's right across the country, an end to the Hyde amendment, which protects taxpayers from funding abortion; and a guarantee of "reproductive health care" in every state — which likely will amount to coercing health care providers to perform abortions. She also promised to appoint judges and Supreme Court justices committed to defending Roe v. Wade (1973), the outdated decision striking down state laws protecting unborn life.



  1. All people were created by God to be his companions and co-creators with our free will. As a Christian, I am committed to use my free will
    for the love of God.Aborting unborn babies is turning your back to and
    defying God's love.

  2. Killing God's creation is murder, infanticide.

  3. These dumbocrats will lie lie lie and say anything to try to keep power.

    The dumbocrats have no morals, ethics or scruples, they are TRASH!

  4. Gillibrand wants and approves killing babies but is against criminals getting the "Death Penalty". Explain what is the difference in killing innocent human beings, called babies / children and killing Murderous criminals for crimes.

  5. EXCUSE ME? Unchristian? This lady is certifiable if she has gone so far left, in fact over the edge.

  6. They are tenets; rules and generally accepted practice. Tenants are people who rent from you.

  7. WTF does a Libtard know about Christian faith?? Liar, just trying to influence someone.

  8. I thought 8 weeks was federal law!! Wow. This is news to me.

  9. Is. 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


  10. Have you noticed how many leftists become theologians when they don't get their way?

    And how they twist/misquote scripture, or even make it up to support their point?

    "..one of the tenants of our faith is free will.."

    That's right, honey. But you exercise that 'free will' before you have sex and get pregnant, not after.

    If you want to properly use that free will you refer to, use it to OBEY GOD. That's what it is for.


  11. She's pretty bold spouting about faith and morals given her family's ties to the sex cult that is being prosecuted. She has no credibility whatsoever!


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