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Friday, May 31, 2019

Federalist Editor Takes Mueller To The Woodshed: Your Whole Operation Was A Political Hit Job

Watch out, folks! The Federalist’s Sean Davis is dragging the beaten hypothetical corpse of Robert Mueller through. He just took the man to the woodshed in his latest piece and rightfully so. The Russia investigation is over. Special Counsel Mueller is done. He’s done talking about it. He directed us to read the report that was compiled after two years of digging and to leave him alone. Oh, and Democrats, go ahead with impeachment wink* wink*. He twisted the words of his investigation’s findings on Russian collusion; none was found. But Mueller phrased it in a way that left it open for interpretation. And if we know anything about that, impeachment-obsessed Democrats will take it, run with it, and totally go off the rails—and they have. The Mueller report exonerated the Trump White House of Russian collusion. That’s a fact. Done. This circus is over. I wish it were over, but Mueller had to rehash and pour gasoline over the obstruction allegations, which the DOJ determined didn’t have enough to bring forward formal charges.

Again, it’s over. But the Left, promising their base a fight, are going to impeach Donald Trump. It’s only a matter of time. They need to; it’s a key 2018 campaign promise. House Democrats wouldn’t be running the show in the lower chamber if they hadn’t pushed for of heavily insinuated that this would be an agenda action item. Mueller decided to fan those flames again, and now we have a brushfire over a presser that really didn’t unveil anything new. If anything, it was what Attorney General William Barr outlined prior to the redacted report being released to the public. It’s that outline that apparently reeks of a cover-up, an allegiance to Trump, and possible perjury. Even after the case has been closed, the nothing burgers keep being served. Only Democrat whose brain function has been depressed by over consuming this myth for the past two years would believe this were a rational take. Everyone else knows it's not. Mueller is now patient zero, spreading impeachment Ebola that has spread like a brush fire among congressional Democrats.



  1. He is a Biased Leftover from Obama /Hillary > Period !!!!

    Should have Never been chosen for the job !!!!!

    He knows he can't have it Both ways & Re-Do his already
    Biased , so called , investigation !!!!

    This whole Fiasco will Bite the Demon-crats in the ass !!!!

    One is either Guilty or Not Guilty Period , No Re-Do's !!!!

  2. Mueller should be investigated. How dare he take taxpayers money and now turn his nose at us. We all knew from the beginning he was out to get Trump. Fight back by voting for Trump 2020.


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