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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Elizabeth Warren, Elijah Cummings Unveil Plan To ‘End The Opioid Crisis’

Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has joined with Rep. Elijah Cummings to reintroduce an ambitious plan they first proposed last year to "end the opioid crisis." This time, the Massachusetts senator and longtime Maryland Democratic congressman would pay for it with a tax on the mega-rich.

Warren has made what she calls an "ultra-millionaire" tax a central part of her platform on the stump, saying it could cover universal child care, public college tuition and millions of Americans' student loan debt. Now, she'd use it to foot the bill for tackling the opioid epidemic, as well.

Overdose deaths involving an opioid have increased six-fold over the past 18 years, with nearly 50,000 recorded by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2017. The Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency (CARE) Act Warren and Cummings co-sponsored last year would allocate $100 billion over 10 years for opioid treatment and addiction prevention.



  1. Well if the Demoncraps wouldnt make so much money from the drug dealers, they could probably stop it. LMAO

  2. sure that will work..chase more money away and trickle down effect will hit you and me not the rich..i say follow that money!! somewhere somehow these two crooks will get kickbacks, or my cousin owns this re-hab, etc etc..how about a border wall, go after big pharma, and get the CIA out of afganastan because the real reason for the war was the poppy. kinda odd that this problem cropped up about the time we got those fields backs

  3. There you go throw more money at it. What a dumb bunch of losers.

  4. Why don’t all the politicians donate their graft, that would pay for ALL the extras!!!

  5. What happened to the bill when it was introduced last year?

  6. There wasn't even a co-sponsor to that bill when it was introduced. If it didn't make sense then I doubt it will make much sense now.

  7. All I see is a spending plan.

  8. Why do the Dems keep thinking that the billionaires will stay in this country if they are taxed out of existence? They will move to tax havens.

  9. It's all Dem baloney.

  10. If people want to kill themselves with drugs,let them. Any money spent should be to inform people of what will happen if they use addictive illegal drugs and if they are still stupid enough to do it,well too bad sucker, you lose.

  11. Let Darwinism win.


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