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Friday, May 17, 2019

Creepy Joe


  1. Joe,

    I am a business owner and a member of the Salisbury Chamber of Commerce and the fearless leader named Bill Chambers said that he was going to host a "Candidates Forum" for the Presidential Election and he is inviting Bill Weld, the only Republican Candidate to challenge President Trump. He said there are 200 seats and they will go fast so you better RSVP early. LMAO!! Can you believe that idiot thinks he can get someone to come to Salisbury for a Presidential race? This numbnuts is a moron! This idiot apparently doesn't like President Trump.

    1. We should go to heckle his ASS.

  2. 11:23

    The chamber of commerce does not like Trump because they want more and more cheap illegal labor and Trump is trying to stop it.

  3. Joe "The Friendly Fondler" Biden. He wants to finish completely ruining the country.


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