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Monday, May 06, 2019

Congressman Andy Harris Applauds Department of Homeland Security for Finalization of H-2B Visa Increase

WASHINGTON, DC: Today, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the imminent finalization of the rule providing for the release of 30,000 additional H-2B visas for the summer season of Fiscal Year 2019. Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) has spearheaded the effort to secure these extra visas both in the House of Representatives and in the Maryland delegation, and made the following statement supporting the DHS’ decision to increase the allotted amount of H-2B visas:

“I applaud the Department of Homeland Security for finalizing the rule providing for the release of 30,000 supplemental H-2B visas in time for the upcoming summer season. The low unemployment rate and oversubscription to the H-2B visa program are chronic problems for the economy of Maryland’s First District and the country. While I commend the Trump administration for providing these extras visas, it is Congress who ultimately bears the responsibility to pass a permanent solution to the H-2B visa shortage. I look forward to continuing to working with my colleagues here in the House toward such a permanent solution.”

Details on eligibility and filing requirements are available in the final rule and at USCIS.gov. Note that the rule is expected to be published and effective on May 8, 2019. USCIS will begin accepting petitions after the rule is published.


  1. I can’t figure this out ? Why? Isn’t this what started the problem?

  2. We need to keep an eye on everyone that receives one of these visas - to make sure that they leave at the end of the season. If they're caught overstaying, they should be jailed at hard labor, deported and permanently banned from returning!

  3. We pay our citizen's not to work and have to import or smuggle workers in to do what we pay people not to do. Insanity.

  4. So Trump creates a problem with a system that was working very well , and then is a hero when he "fixes it" . SO much for business certainty and expansion!

    No , don't say it ,..... There are no Americans that want these jobs, so hire a foreign worker or close your shop


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