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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Colorado students walk out of school shooting vigil after politicians take the mic

Students in Colorado stormed out of a vigil Wednesday night for the victims of this week’s school shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch after two Democratic politicians took the stage and called for gun control, according to local news reports.

The two Democrats who spoke at the vigil were Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet, who is running for president, and Rep. Jason Crow, whose congressional district includes STEM.

“STEM School students walked out of a vigil tonight after @RepJasonCrow & @SenatorBennet spoke,” tweeted Kyle Clark, an anchor with 9NEWS in Denver. “Students said their grief was being politicized. They later returned, took the mic, and some said they didn't want to be used to promote gun control.”

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  1. Good for them! A vigil is no place to politic but as Democrats love to do "don't let a tragedy go to waste!"

  2. Brave move on the part of the students. Sorry for their grief and loss of classmates but appreciate them calling out the politics.

  3. Heh, heh,,kids smarter than commicrats

  4. Kids are smarter than we give them credit for


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