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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Gets Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being Inside of Her’

CNN contributor Christine Quinn on Monday night participated in a discussion about state-level "heartbeat bills," where she claimed, "When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her."

Quinn, the former Democratic speaker of the New York City Council, appeared on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time alongside fellow CNN contributor and former Republican senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), where they had a fiery debate about abortion. During the introduction of the segment, host Chris Cuomo mentioned the Georgia Heartbeat bill that would later be signed into law on Tuesday by Gov. Brian Kemp (R., Ga.).

"These so-called heartbeat bills are exactly what you said, six-week bills. They for all intent and purposes are an end-run around Roe v. Wade and a clear attempt to make abortion illegal across the country," Quinn said. "That's what they are… This is a clear attempt to take decisions about a woman's body and birth out of the hands of a woman and out of the hands of doctors and that to me is really shocking."



  1. Well what do you suppose it is then?

  2. If a woman and her doctor can live with aborting a baby then so be it. However, let's not let taxpayers pay for it. Your body your dime. It's about the money.

  3. If you are declared 'dead' when your heart STOPS beating, then why are you not declared alive when it STARTS?

  4. I have no problem with women doing what they choose to do with their own bodies. I have a problem when they get to decide what to do with someone else's life (the baby). One does not help CREATE human life, but then get to decide if it should live or die. Kill yourself, if you wish, I'm ok (it's YOUR life). Just don't think you get to kill someone else.
    It is waaay too easy to get birth control drugs to claim, on a large scale, that there are hundreds of thousands of accidental pregnancies and most of them occur among blacks.
    I'm calling BS on that.
    Of course, this is a man's view.
    I wouldn't want to walk a mile in the shoes of a woman facing this decision.

  5. she is correct...for the sick luciferian left its a demon that must be removed..for the rest of us it is a gift from GOD

  6. I agree with this statement! Hillary's mother wasn't, Obama's mother wasn't, Palosi's mother wasn't, Maxine Waters Mother, Alexandria Osondro's mom, Biden's, Conyers, Sharpton.....

    They are Idiots, Morons, Retards, Fools, Ass-wipes, Liars, POS, CS, MF, Tax cheats, Libtards, ect.

  7. Let em go. Every person that gets one saves on entitlements, we know who uses it. They get pregnant to entrap Darnell and when it doesn't work they want to abort.


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