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Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Claiming to fear Trump, Nancy Pelosi lets the cat out of the bag about her real fear: Her own party

Orange man bad, orange man scary. Orange man will steal your election if it's close.

So goes the bluster Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi had for her fellow Democrats, revealed in the press, urging them to focus on staying in the center.

The press, of course, focused on the supposed Trump threat — here, here, here, and here, as did Glenn Thrush in his original New York Times report that is being cited:

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not believe President Trump can be removed through impeachment — the only way to do it, she said this week, is to defeat him in 2020 by a margin so "big" he cannot challenge the legitimacy of a Democratic victory.

That is something she worries about.

"We have to inoculate against that, we have to be prepared for that," Ms. Pelosi said during an interview at the Capitol on Wednesday as she discussed her concern that Mr. Trump would not give up power voluntarily if he lost re-election by a slim margin next year.


  1. They abused power with the FBI and fabricated a collusion story with Russia, they have done nothing but fight him since he was elected. What are the democrats actually doing to earn their paycheck? Fire them all!

  2. Pelosi is SMART. Others need to watch her actions. Beware!

  3. You over-estimate her at this point, 7:49. She was smart, but she's pretty addled now.

    Notice how often Chuckie Schumer is right beside her.. HE is the one pulling the strings. She's his ventriloquist dummy.

  4. I hope Trump wins by a really really wide margin so maybe that will shut up the opposition for awhile.

  5. 9;05 Is correct Schumer is in the drivers seat, he is the puppet master. She makes no sense and acts like Hillary when she was running for president, remember the falls, the stares, she couldn't get her words together. She had to be assisted by as many as 4 secret service men help her in and out of cars. I believe she had a stroke or worse and Pelosi is exhibiting more lack of control than ever. Even the facial freezes where you wonder if it's her teeth or just loosing the ability to talk. She should never have gotten a 2nd term, they just had no one else.


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