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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

California Is Beginning To Feel The Negative Side Of Minimum Wage Hikes

After Massachusetts and New York, California is beginning to experience the negative side of minimum wage hikes, too; job losses.

That’s according to a recent University of California Riverside study, which shows that California’s minimum wage hikes have slowed job growth in the state’s booming restaurant industry.

California was among the first states to launch minimum wage hikes towards the “living wage” of $15 per hour by 2022—a 50% hike over 2012.

“Data analysis suggests that while the restaurant industry in California has grown significantly as the minimum wage has increased, employment in the industry has grown more slowly than it would have without minimum wage hikes,” the study says. “The slower employment is nevertheless real for those workers who may have found a career in the industry.”



  1. Yep, and Maryland is soon to follow!

  2. Of course they are having problems! Common sense tells everyone it was a bad idea, yet politico's (DONKEYS) had their way!

    Kiosks in the 21st Century!

  3. Their getting what they voted for
    Go figure

  4. Minimum wage hikes will destroy business and jobs.
    Interest rates going up will put more money and spending power into fixed income people. Which we will spend and create jobs.

    But the business channels can't confess to that as their moderators are to invested in the stock market.

  5. I have a question for a "anti" $15/hr minimum wage readers. How many of you are putting in 40 hrs or more per week for less than $15/hr. The American dream of buying a house, having health care, and decent transportation is unobtainable unless wealth is inherited.

  6. 919 your first statement runs counter to the statement issued in the article. As well as results of several peer reviewed studies

  7. Hahahahahahaha, told you arse wipes


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