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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Brennan, Clapper lash out at Trump for declassifying 2016 election intel

Former CIA Director John Brennan and former DNI James Clapper blasted President Trump on Friday night for directing Attorney General William Barr to declassify documents related to the surveillance of his campaign during the 2016 election, calling it "outrageous."

"I see it as a very, very serious and outrageous move on the part of Mr. Trump, once again, trampling on the statutory authorities of the Director of National Intelligence and the heads of the independent intelligence agencies," Brennan told MSNBC host Chris Hayes. "And it's unclear to me what Mr. Barr is actually going to do. Is he investigating a crime? Well, what's the predication of that crime? Or he is just going to be looking for information... that Mr. Trump can just give to his defenders on the right and cherry-pick information that could be taken out of context?"


[Can you believe that Brennan actually said that? --Editor]


  1. Trump is only doing this to shut everyone up or this crap will go on until the end of time... If he releases everything there is nothing the dems can then say they are hiding or did something nefarious... Muller report already said trump did nothing wrong, but as you see, they won't accept that and still say he did something... Wither you hate or love trump, how in the hell can you people find this acceptable??? Wasting money and time on falsehoods, all to only try to trick your stupid pea sized brains into believing them to vote for them... You people should be maddened and sickened by all of this that nothing is getting done or fixed while they bicker back and fourth about lies they lied about, about the lies they lied about... Good slaves you all are...

  2. Seem like Brennan and Clapper like the cherries when they are pickin', but it's the PITs when their are not.

  3. Swamp critters are getting nervous

  4. Just stated what the Intelligent agencies, FBI and the Democrats done word for word. Maybe Brenner will be forced to go to a Communist Country of his choice since he is an admitted communist, might even take Clapper, Comey, Clinton's and The rest of the crooked Democrats.

  5. Because they don’t want to go to jail!

  6. Those Two are CRIMINALS & yet to be PROSECUTED

  7. Another case of classic psychiatric projection. Accuse your opposition of exactly the actions/crimes you have committed to muddy the waters. Brennan and Comey are admitted Communists as is Obama the Manchurian that hired them. Therein lies the collusion and treason.

  8. OJ didn't like going to jail for a crime. This bunch from the Obama administration is no different. I personally think Theresa May and Obama were involved as well.


  9. Abundantly clear by now that each leader of the intelligence branches willingly subordinated their agency to the whims of Obama, Jarrett and like minded cronies. Releasing the information that documents this treason is the first step toward trying and convicting them. Their underlings will turn states' evidence to avoid a similar fate. The brazen leaders should face the severest punishment possible. Justice should move at a fast clip.


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