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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Biden Promises Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden has withdrawn his support for the Hyde amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion, saying he would abolish the amendment if elected president.

Despite his consistent support for pro-abortion legislation, Mr. Biden has always voted against taxpayer funding for the procedure, a position he now repudiates, noted John McCormack in the National Review.

Asked on video about his current stance regarding the 1976 Hyde Amendment, Biden told an ACLU volunteer he was committed to abolishing the provision, saying: “It can’t stay.”

Biden’s move to embrace taxpayer funding of abortion is just the latest step in an ongoing evolution on the issue.

As The New York Times noted, Mr. Biden was pro-life when he began his Senate career in 1973 and argued at the time that the Supreme Court had gone “too far” in the Roe v. Wade decision.



  1. If he does that then charge him with genocide.

  2. Joe's a freakin' genius on this one....
    Knowing that more than half the country is against taxpayer funding for this 'procedure' - this will almost ensure the President's reelection!

  3. Say anything for a vote. Stands for nothing. He is the poster child for the DC swamp.

  4. Tell that to a mother whose baby has no kidney's and a deformed heart and stands zero chance of survival after birth. When the birth of that baby is forced upon her by an overreaching government and she dies as a result of it, maybe you can tell her family that it was gods plan.

    Regardless of your position on the issue the statistics clearly point out that banning abortions does not work. What works is increasing access to birth control and education.

  5. States can override. If you want to live in the 1950's and control women just move to the south. Problem solved.

  6. How about tax payer funded sterilization ? Now that is one thing I would not mind paying for. We could just put it in the water with the Fluroide. There are too many diapers in the landfills.

  7. Oh man! This asshole is going to be a big a nuisance as Killary. And get nowhere.

  8. 2025..dont pay taxes. Taxrs are for militaries and roads,

  9. Not with my taxes, he isn't. I'm going to check the box on my tax forms that say, "I do not support abortion and refuse to have my personal tax dollars support abortion."


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