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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Barr Trolls Pelosi at the Capitol: ‘Madam Speaker, Did You Bring Your Handcuffs?’

Attorney General William Barr asked Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) if she brought "handcuffs" for him Wednesday at the Capitol, following her accusing him of lying to Congress earlier this month.

According to multiple reporters, Barr approached Pelosi following the National Peace Officers Memorial Service in Washington, shook her hand, and asked, "Madam Speaker, did you bring your handcuffs?" Pelosi smiled and said the House Sergeant at Arms was present if an arrest was necessary, to which Barr laughed and walked away.

Some congressional Democrats have called for Barr to be jailed after the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold him in contempt when he ignored a subpoena for the unredacted Russia report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.



  1. Time to pay the Barr tab! No one can stop what is coming! Panic in DC.

  2. Democrats will not annoy Barr after he locks them up

    locking up progressives....
    long overdue Peace Alliance of the lower Shore
    .......remember, you lied on our staff too

  3. She has them, but it is for her weird sex games she plays with Hillary!

  4. Nadler admitted it was a political ploy. Dems and their childish games.

  5. Just finished "The Hill To Die On". A lot of eye opening behind the scenes stuff not particularly complimentary to either party. All about who has the biggest ego in D.C. and who can accumulate the most cash. Bottom line...no one gives a CRAP about constituents, we are just a means to an end.

  6. Barr better be careful not to commit suicide with bullets in his back or fed some poisoned wine. Barr do not be meeting anybody informants in the middle of the night only during the day and crowded places. Do not stay at home. Go into a hiding spot. Use every precaution to protect yourself so that you can bring justice for millions of Americans. MAGA


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