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Friday, May 03, 2019

'Barr Did Nothing Wrong': WSJ Exposes Dems' Hypocrisy After Shameful 'Washington Pile-On'

Joe Biden became the latest presidential contender to demand that AG Barr resign following a 5-hour-plus hearing on Wednesday where Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee howled, mostly without evidence, that Barr was improperly trying to cover for President Trump, that he had deliberately watered down Mueller's findings and that he was, in effect, acting as a mole within the DOJ feeding information on the 14 ongoing investigations to the White House.

Given his treatment at the hands of the Senate, it's hardly a surprise that Barr declined to appear before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, which is stocked with even more bloodthirsty Democrats who will all need to defend their seats in 18 months time. And while Democrats will inevitably portray this as Barr shirking responsibility, as WSJ points out in an editorial published in Thursday's paper, Barr's treatment at the hands of the Judiciary's Democrats was nothing short of reprehensible - and the coordinated 'leak' of the Mueller letter on the eve of the hearing was a blatant attempt to discredit an Attorney General who had done nothing wrong.

As WSJ explains, Mueller's complaint that Barr's summary of the 448-page report's findings "lacked context" was likely an exercise in ass-covering. How could Barr be expected to distill the full sweep and scope of such a lengthy report's findings in just four pages. In the same letter, Mueller affirmed that Barr's summary was accurate - and, more tellingly, that he had been moved to write the letter following "public confusion" about his findings (i.e. Republicans' trumpeting of 'no collusion, no obstruction', which probably angered Mueller's many fanboys and fangirls in the #resistance).



  1. The Dem party is a deflating balloon. They can't deliver enough hot air to keep it aloft anymore.

  2. Barr should just put on some Blackface Makeup and do the Moonwalk, all will be forgiven just like here in Virginia!

  3. If the Dumbocrats had their way they would make the arrest first then figure out what the crime is. Incarcerate the man in solitary until he confesses to something. If he doesn't crack, make up a crime and give him the opportunity to prove himself innocent.

  4. I love the breaking point that Trump is displaying.He has had enough.


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