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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh resigns amid scandal

BALTIMORE —Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh has resigned, more than a month after taking a leave of absence for health reasons and amid scrutiny over her children's books.

The announcement was made Thursday afternoon at the offices of the mayor's attorney, Steve Silverman.

Silverman read a statement from Pugh as follows:
Dear citizens of Baltimore,

I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as the 50th mayor. It has been an honor and a privilege.

Today, I am submitting my written resignation to the Baltimore City Council. I am sorry for the harm that I have caused to the image of the city of Baltimore and the credibility of the Office of the Mayor.


  1. Her stain will be indistinguishable from all the others that give Baltimore the bad rap that its government (and lack of good government) deserve.

  2. I'm very surprised that she doesn't have a black attorney.

  3. She's done nothing more then hilary clinton did while secretary of state. Clinton home wasn't searched. This because clinton is white and pugh is black. Pugh will end up with a lengthy prison sentence. clinton won't even be prosecuted. Because she is white. Blacks though being nothing but obedient slaves to the democrat party will not say a word. Will not demand equal justice. It's disgusting how blacks allow themselves to be nothing but slaves. Disgusting and if they should all be ashamed at how low they have sunk and allow themselves to be used by the democrats. And they think they are equal? Hardly. They are nothing but lowly slaves and are not equal.

    1. Totally wrong on all accounts, you're a racist 10:36

  4. liberals love to elect criminals to represent them.

  5. I'm always bothered by the statement, "I'd like to thank you...", because after saying it, they never do thank anyone.

  6. May 2, 2019 at 10:36 PM:

    The Clinton / Pugh comparison is not black and white. Do you have White derangement syndrome? Hillary Clinton is a former First lady, and the wife of a living ex-president that served 8 years. Their house will not get searched. But a lowly Mayor of Baltimore, accused of crimes while in office, black or white, will get served with warrants. It's not always about race. Most times it's about power. And calling blacks of today "slaves" is extremely racist of YOU. I cn't believe your comment was even allowed on this blog.


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