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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

10 tons of trash was left behind on Virginia beach after Memorial Day Weekend event


  1. Must have been those damn Amish again

  2. Looks like Berlin after yesterday's big memorial day party.. the basketball courts were covered in trash.. that place looked like a dump from the highway..

  3. Virginia is for lovers and disgusting POS that leave their trash everywhere.

  4. Northwest Woodsman: if I were to venture a guess, I’d say it was those blonde, blue eyed Scandinavians at it again. They always cause trouble and leave trash behind. I have observed them throwing trash out the window of their cars on several occasions. Total lack of respect. Must be genetic and that leads to stereotyping when a large percentage of their particular group demonstrate the same behavior. All so predictable!

  5. Leave the trash. It happens because you always clean it up.

  6. Let's take a look at your TAXES thief.

  7. When you can't respect your history. Who is gonna respect you?? VIRGINIA SUCKS. PERIOD.

  8. Virginia and Virginia Beach have been taken over by Left Wing Nut Liberal Democrats.

    Remember last years election when a Transvestite beat a long time Conservative member of the Virginia House in Northern Virginia? That speaks volumes when they elect a man with a SERIOUS mental illness.

    Call me old fashion, but I prefer my women without a penis.

  9. @ May 28, 2019 at 7:15 AM. Trashed by who? No need to answer. We know.

  10. Trash left by trash.

  11. Close the beach next year and leave pictures on sign posts of this and explain this is why.


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