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Friday, April 12, 2019

White House considered releasing detained migrants in sanctuary cities: Washington Post

White House officials have tried to pressure U.S. immigration authorities to release migrants detained at the border into so-called sanctuary cities such as San Francisco to retaliate against President Donald Trump’s political adversaries, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.

The Post, which reviewed emails on the issue and spoke to unnamed officials at the Department of Homeland Security, said the White House proposed the measure at least twice in the past six months. Sanctuary cities are those where local officials decline to hand over illegal immigrants for deportation.

The White House did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment on the report. A DHS spokesman told Reuters in a statement the plan was “a suggestion that was floated and rejected, which ended any further discussion.” The Post quoted a White House official as saying the same thing.



  1. The Dems would freak out!

    1. It was their idea. Back in 2016, Obama toyed with the idea of sending illegals to Jeff Sessions homestate as retaliation for Sessions support of Trump. Sessions homestate is not/was not a sanctuary state.

  2. Excellent idea. Give the Sanctuary cities just what they ask for and hopefully they'll choke on it.

    1. Agreed, and no extra Federal funding.

  3. I would narrow it down further. Settle them directly in the same neighborhood as these Politicians.

  4. Works for me.

    A city that is designated as a sanctuary city is a city that I will never visit.

  5. Now either way the Dems play this they will loose, either they will be hypocrites for not accepting the influx or they will have an implosion of needy people's flooding their social system. They will most likely alienate their base either way. This move is Trump's way of taking out both bishops in one move...

  6. They made and call themselves sanctuary cities by choice. Now when faced with bus loads of illegals being bused to the sanctuary cities they cry foul. More proof of how all democrats lie all the time. They don't really want the illegals they just want to show off and try to make themselves "compassionate." I really can't stand democrats. There isn't one alive worth a damn. Nothing but liars who talk a good game but never walk the walk.

  7. Great idea especially if all the criminal types such as MS13 are sent there.

  8. Do it and let them off in front of every Liberals house.

  9. I just love the sound of the left squealing when someone attempts to shove a bit of their own ridiculous agenda up their idiotic a$$es.


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