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Monday, April 01, 2019

When undisciplined kids grow up **LANGUAGE WARNING**


  1. Nice nose ring !

  2. What will her children be like?

  3. Sponging on Dad, Cadillac SUV driving, pierced, tattooed, hip-hop listening, pussy hat wearing, overfed, whining, entitled threat to the future.

  4. You clowns do know this is fake right???? He is a youtuber and does skits in the form of a bounty hunter, he pays these people to do and act like this, he is not really a bounty hunter and cops have been looking into him to see if his show is violating the impersonating a cop or official...

  5. Here's a perfect example of a person in need of an intervention. Good work, Dad, to let her get some tough love.

  6. There are SO many of them!

  7. I suspected something. He's too well spoken for most law enforcement.

  8. I see this every dayApril 2, 2019 at 3:35 PM

    Typical Liberal,Progressive Democrat College kid

  9. I wish he had tasered her!
    I think her parents need to be arrested as
    well for helping to create this pos!

  10. Just like in the movies in the old days -Coming to a school near you. This doesn't have to be made up to sensationalize a desperate situation. It is already occurring. Just go to a school near you but only "If you can handle the truth".


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