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Monday, April 22, 2019

When Malls Had It All: Commercials from the '70s & '80s


  1. Memory lane for sure. Now it's a wonder of your memory returns after being badly beaten at the mall.

  2. wow - I grew up near the Monroeville Mall and remember that commercial from the 70s - unfortunately that area has gone under, but in its hayday it was the place to be

  3. One Md mall had a visit from a 12' tall sasquatch back around 1990 or so.Scared the crap out of a bunch of construction workers and was witnessed by local police.

  4. Us baby boomers grew up with malls as recreation. Before I could drive, I and friends all got dropped off at Salisbury Mall in the 70's and hung out all day Saturdays. Lots of good memories.
    I remember several of us..streaking (Running through there naked for you young folks).. through the Salisbury Mall in about 1777.
    Then we all shopped there as we got older in the 80's and 90's..
    The malls in the city when I lived there were great in Washington and Baltimore. Most are now gone.
    But, Millenials don't like walking around I guess. I can't imagine spending all day in the mall on a cell phone.

  5. Notice those 80's Haircuts especially on women.
    Lakeforest Mall in Gaithersburg, MD was my favorite in the 80's. Beautiful at Christmas. 4 piece Brass band walking around playing Carols. Decorations. Place stayed packed with people. It's Bankrupt now.

  6. I remember going to the old Salisbury mall back at the end of the 1980's. Actually miss that place....

  7. 9:27
    I worked at Lakeforst in the mid to late 80s. Loved the glass elevator! Remember the ice skating rink? It wasn't there long before they changed it to movie theaters.

  8. Lakeforest Mall was great. The Ice skating rink. The huge center of the mall that stayed decorated. People just sat and looked at the decor and watched people like the boardwalk. Lots of places to eat. Some companies actually had 2 stores in there it was so big. Christmas was Crazy. But fun in all the crowds and live music..


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