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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Waters Took More Than $200,000 in Corporate Money

Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) received more than $200,000 in corporate campaign contributions.

The chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee took in about $210,329 in corporate campaign money, most of which came from industry PACs, Politico reports.

Waters's openness to corporate PAC contributions differentiates her from progressives such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), who have sworn off money from corporate committees. Politico notes that Waters' predecessor as Financial Services Committee chair, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R., Texas), was a leading recipient of finance industry money.

Of the sectors of the financial industry, insurers have given the most to Waters, and hosted a fundraiser for her last month. The American Property Casualty Insurance Association, the Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers, MetLife, Primerica, State Farm, USAA, and Zurich are among the insurers which have donated to Waters.

TransUnion's PAC gave $5,000 to Waters earlier this year, just before its CEO testified before her committee about the company's shortcomings.

More here


  1. President Trump should sue for defamation of character. I for one am tired of corrupt politicians attacking Trump. On the take and then lying about our President to put herself in the spot light for re-election.

  2. Several of the insurance companies we use for personal and business coverage are among the donors to Maxine Waters. We're not happy about that.

  3. Until you see the president of the United States financial "transparency" you have no right to speak

    1. Where is Obama's college records ?

  4. 12:04 I don't care about the president's financial business or his taxes, That would be the IRS's job. I bet you use every loophole you can find just like every other tax payer does to lower your taxable income. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

  5. 10:19 So if the President is doing something illegal it is okay? DO you not want to know? Is the President above the law .

    And of course , you should use each and every deduction that you are legally entitled to, it is inherent to the tax coed itself and built upon that premise


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