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Friday, April 05, 2019

Virginia lawmakers vote to end driver’s license suspension over unpaid fees

RICHMOND, Va. – The General Assembly voted Wednesday to end the practice of suspending driver’s licenses because of unpaid court fines and costs.

The budget amendment reinstates driving privileges for the more than 627,000 Virginians who currently have their licenses suspended.

The approval by the House of Delegates and the Senate is a win for Governor Ralph Northam who has long supported the legislation, calling the practice “inequitable” because a driver’s license is critical for individuals to maintain a job.

“We have taken another great step forward on criminal justice reform by eliminating the counterproductive practice of suspending driver’s licenses over unpaid court costs and fees, which currently impacts the daily lives of over 627,000 Virginians,” said Northam in a statement Wednesday. “This inequitable policy criminalizes poverty and a change was long overdue.”



  1. Driving is a privilege, not a right. So what consequences are there now when you don't pay your fines?

    1. loose your EBT card for a week

  2. Fine them more for not paying fines. Sounds like a plan.

  3. Now no one has to pay tickets, so drive like a New Jerseyian!

  4. Guess they'll want the tax payers to pay for that too now

  5. This is what happens when you turn your state over to Democrats. Laws don’t mean anything anymore.

  6. Complete insanity ! That's why our car insurance goes up every year.

  7. Watched a video called Seattle is Dying on YouTube by one of their local news reporters. The same crap is happening in Salisbury just nobody talks about it. You all should look it up. The mayor is much like Jake Day, wasting money on nonsense while housing and drug addict becomes a problem out of control. The police are told to stand down when people commit crimes. Sound familiar? Salisbury is just a micro version of Seattle. Everyday going to acme you see the homeless near the tracks by crazy Louie’s. Just a shame. Salisbury used to be a nice little town. Now it’s turned into a toilet.


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