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Monday, April 08, 2019



  1. That's accurate.

  2. Many European countries have a history of electing the worst leaders on the planet, then looking to us to save them. How can filling your country with the scum of the earth possibly benefit your own citizens? Why are politicians (democrats) trying to do this to us?

  3. Looks like Princess Anne downtown?

  4. Absolutely insane and sad. Cockroaches.

  5. Paris has really crappy areas just like we do here in Salisbury. There has always been a strong Military presence near touristy spots there. The Africans you see standing in front of the tower are everywhere, but the tourists buy their crap, so they will continue to be an issue. I personally would be more afraid of the Gypsys robbing you blind while you sign their petitions! They outlawed the full face covering years ago and are strict about this in public places (St Denis maybe excluded at this point). I do not think I would stay that far north of Paris, like the original poster, but to each their own.

  6. OH yes, lets take a look at a bunch of random photos strung together online with very little in reliable context and get riled up. LOL. Example: if the military patrols are walking around with their fingers on the trigger, I'm going to need the French to invest in appropriate firearms training.

  7. 40 years ago Paris didn't look like this at all. There were Very Small numbers of Muslims in the country. Poor leadership allowed this to happen and Paris is no longer a beautiful city...the countryside, for the Most part, is still Muslim free and very beautiful. Sad to see what's happened here as it didn't have to be this way.

  8. I hope you damn liberal democrats take a look at these pictures. Is this what you really want the United States to look like, because it certainly will. You don't want walls at the border but this is what you get when you don't control what is going on in your country.

  9. Diverse enough for you, Liberals?

  10. It has already started in places like San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, etc. What is the common denominator - far-left governed cities. Not mean spirited, just a fact.

  11. Proof of how they are and how they live. Their country is a shi- hole and they do not care if it is covered in garbage. So they come here and live the same way they did in their home country. This is what our country will be like if WE allow it. I already see them in the mall spending money like nothing. And in the grocery store with over flowing carts. While the rest of us struggle. WE are going to have to stand up, I see it coming.


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