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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thiru Vignarajah announces 2020 run for Mayor of Baltimore

BALTIMORE —Maryland’s former Deputy Attorney General Thiru Vignarajah announced Wednesday he will run for Mayor of Baltimore in 2020.

Democrat Vignarajah is the first person to officially announce a run for the mayor's position following the Healthy Holly book scandal.

“What we have endured in Baltimore is heartbreaking and humiliating. From our street corners to City Hall, I am running to put an end to crime and corruption,” Vignarajah said in a statement. “We all know Baltimore is a city of resilience and unfilled promise. With ideas and integrity, we can forge the Baltimore our parents dreamed of, the city we have promised to our children, a city of safe streets, good jobs, and great schools, no matter where you live or who you are.”



  1. The fools don't know what to do, they're so bogged down from so much Democrat weight. To think that yet another can be the savior of Baltimore is a delusion.

    1. So true, why can't these people Blexit and walk away from these endless failed elected demoncrats

  2. Upon hearing his mission statement....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. What another joke! He needs to tell the people of Baltimore what Hillary said, "You dogs need to HEEL and behave as human"!

  3. The person who leads Baltimore or Chicago out of Democrat rule should be the winner of the Nobel Prize. Funny, a Nobel Prize for undoing what a previous Nobel Prize winner did.

  4. "Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss."


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