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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Texas High School targets parents with dress code requirements

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- No more hair rollers, shower caps, pajama pants or torn jeans if you intend to visit Madison High School.

The Houston ISD school sent a mandate to parents earlier this month asking them to model appropriate attire, in an effort to teach their children how to dress when applying for a job, or going nearly anywhere outside of the home setting.

The note stated, "We are preparing our children for the future and it begins here."

The school's new principal, Carlotta Outley Brown, signed off on the parent dress code.

Banned items include sagging pants and shorts, pajamas of any kind, shower caps, hair rollers and revealing clothing.



  1. Is there anything that is not racist? The school should not have to be responsible for stupid parents. No wonder things are so bad in the school system.

  2. Oh no! I have to dress like I have morals and standards? What ever shall I do??!

    1. Get some morals and standards and grow up.

  3. This is crazy , they have dress codes now and have had for many years . They don't enforce them . Hell they don't enforce violent students or drugs , how the hell will they enforce dress codes , this is so funny . All this is an attempt to please the public . Who makes the rules , the students now a days .
    I can't help but laugh at this post , dress code , what a joke .

  4. I'll call Cummings or the Obamas on this White peoples crap

  5. Obama told them to get out of their bedroom slippers and pajamas. Oh well.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Can’t imagine who the parents were that would show up attired in any manner described in this article. I can make a good guess though.


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