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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Symone Sanders, Bernie’s Former Press Secretary, Goes to Work on Biden’s Campaign

Symone Sanders, who rose to prominence as Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) national press secretary during his 2016 presidential campaign, has signed on to work for former Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 bid. She will serve as a senior advisor.

Sanders, who had been uncommitted throughout the cycle, is a CNN political commentator and has worked with Priorities USA, the largest Democratic Party Super PAC. She was a major hire for Sanders during the 2016 campaign, coming just as he faced criticism over the lack of diversity on his staff. But in the summer of 2016, she quit the campaign, at the time saying she did so of her own volition.

Sanders is a prominent progressive voice and a regular presence on cable news, giving Biden a valuable addition to his team. But she hasn’t always been sympatico with the former vice president. Recently, Sanders chastised Biden for cracking jokes in response to the unwanted touching allegations leveled against him by several women with whom he’d interacted during his career.



  1. Maybe Uncle Joe has promised to pay her reparations and of course possibly ask her to run on his ticket.

  2. Sanders huh. Her ancestors must have been owned by Bernie's family.

  3. I see he picked a woman with no hair

  4. Oohhhh ahhh ahhh ahhhh

  5. Well all I can say is she's picked 2 loosers Sanders and now Biden. She's needs a compass to keep her in a good direction, her heart must want to make a difference but she needs an intervention.

  6. Love that Colgate smile.

  7. She hates the white man but loves his $$$$$$$$$$ HYPOCRITE.


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