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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi want detainees released into her sanctuary city?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., would consider it punishment were her city saddled with more undocumented migrants while they await their court hearings.

The thrust of a Washington Post report on Friday, citing anonymous Department of Homeland Security “officials,” was that the White House had asked Immigration and Customs Enforcement about unloading illegal immigrants detained at the border in places proudly known as “sanctuary cities.”

Pelosi’s office said the suggestion exposed the administration’s “cynicism and cruelty” in “using human beings … as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants…”

The whole point of sanctuary cities, from the standpoint of their lawmakers, is that illegal immigrants need a safe place to evade deportation. Illegal entrants and asylum seekers, after all, are only here to pursue a better life for themselves and their families (and all the better if Democrats can load them up on welfare).



  1. Just like a new dump, everyone agrees we need a new one (place) to put the trash (illegals) just not in my back yard, right Pelosi? Anywhere except my sanctuary city or backyard!!

  2. Oh Boo Hoo Nancy. Don't want to hear it. You go along with nothing our President wants then cry the blues when he puts the illegals where they belong, in your home state. Good for him - keep telling him we don't need a wall, go ahead, just keep telling him.

  3. "...“using human beings … as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants…”"

    The Dem leaders don't like their own tricks used against them.

  4. Why don't you crawl out from under the rock that you currently reside under? There are 50k vacants in Baltimore right now and guess who is bringing a lot of them back to life? Does it suck someone that's not our color is rehabbng them and moving their families in? I don't think so. What nationality are you? Italian, no? I'm Scotch Irish with one generation being born in Ireland between Scotland and the new world. When we arrived, the established population hated us too.. Called us names and tried to do everything they could do oppress us.. Why? Because like yourself, and most humans, they simply fear the unknown and or change. I will admit that when I walk up the block here in the city that it's frustrating to see a majority of Spanish run businesses in operation. As an entrepreneur you yourself know what not every "has it" so it would appear as if our population is content with allowing the new Americans to open up shop in their neighborhoods. Also, can any man really complain when it comes to Spanish women?? Don't flee entire cities and then get mad when someone moves in to clean up your mess.

  5. Be careful what you wish for
    Love it
    Win win

  6. Send 200,000 in to her district and cut off any welfare!

  7. Typical Dumocrat
    “Do as I say not what I do”

  8. Drop them off at all 3 of her Mansions screw that B...H.


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